Steps is a simple way to keep track of how much and how far you walk. This pedometer uses the built-in sensor to count your steps. No GPS tracking, so it can greatly save battery. It also tracks your burned calories, walking distance and time, etc. All this information will be clearly displayed in graphs.
Introducing the best walking tracker, step counter app specially designed for weight loss! Calculates calorie counter. Set your own goals, track your exercise and check your progress every day. Count your daily steps and analyze them through calories, distance and time. it is only step counter, walking tracker, step tracker, step watch, pedometer for walking, walking steps tracker, walk meter and calorie counter.
Just tap the start button, and it starts counting your steps. Whether your phone is in your hand, bag, pocket or armband, it can auto-record your steps even your screen is locked.
Save Power
This step counter uses the built-in sensor to count your steps. No GPS tracking, so it barely consumes battery power.
No locked Features
All features are 100% FREE. You can use all features without having to pay for them.
100% Private
No sign-in, no private data.
This is easy to use Step Counter walking tracker app records and displays not only the number of steps walked but also the number of calories burned, time spent walking and distance covered. step watch or pedometer watch. Calorie counter.
All you have to do is push the play button and start walking! this app shows mileage tracker for walking, walk meter, step tracker, calorie counter
In the gym, on your home treadmill, or outside in the park, be conscious of your walking data anytime and anywhere. Let’s start walking!!!
Start, Pause and Reset
You can pause and start step counting at any time to save power. The app will stop background-refreshing statistics once you pause it. And you can reset today’s step count and count step from 0 if you want to. Calorie counter.
"Pedometer" records the number of steps you have walked and displays them again along with the number of calories that you have burned, distance, walking time and speed per hour. Calorie counter app.
It is easy to use. Once you push the Start button, all you have to do is hold your smartphone as you always do and walk
Of course, it will continue to automatically record your steps even if you put it in your pocket or bag. You can view a graph with the number of steps you have walked and all other information anytime. Let's enjoy walking with this app!
Best free pedometer to track your daily steps, walking count steps, calculate your walking distance from our step tracker - An easy-to-use pedometer, step counter & walker tracker app. All this information will be displayed in graphs clearly.
Key Features:
- Daily step counter and calories burnt.
- Daily distance and average speed counter.
- Total time of walking or running.
- Date wise display of all the historical data.
- You can share your data using social apps or file sharing app
How to Effectively Use Step Tracker
Adjust step counter sensitivity to set your own fitness plan base on your personal condition. Step counting is not available for devices with older versions when their screen is locked. It's not a bug. We are sorry to say that we are not able to solve this problem.
Connect to Facebook and rank with your friends here. Establish friendly competitions to motivate each other.
Start, Pause and stop step counting more easily as you wish. Check your activate time and access to the number of steps flexible.
Start walking with step counting and activity tracking. Start your Walking for training plan now. Improve your physical fitness, strengthen heart rate and lung function, improve muscle strength through simple operations.
Langkah-langkah adalah cara sederhana untuk melacak berapa banyak dan seberapa jauh Anda berjalan. Pedometer ini menggunakan sensor bawaan untuk menghitung langkah Anda. Tidak ada pelacakan GPS, sehingga sangat menghemat baterai. Ini juga melacak kalori yang terbakar, jarak dan waktu berjalan kaki, dll. Semua informasi ini akan ditampilkan dengan jelas dalam grafik.
Memperkenalkan pelacak berjalan terbaik, aplikasi penghitung langkah yang dirancang khusus untuk menurunkan berat badan! Menghitung penghitung kalori. Tetapkan tujuan Anda sendiri, lacak olahraga Anda dan periksa kemajuan Anda setiap hari. Hitung langkah harian Anda dan analisislah melalui kalori, jarak, dan waktu. itu hanya penghitung langkah, pelacak berjalan, pelacak langkah, arloji langkah, pedometer untuk berjalan, pelacak langkah berjalan, meteran berjalan dan penghitung kalori.
Cukup ketuk tombol mulai, dan itu mulai menghitung langkah Anda. Apakah ponsel Anda ada di tangan, tas, saku, atau ban lengan, ponsel Anda dapat merekam langkah Anda secara otomatis walaupun layar Anda terkunci.
Hemat Daya
Penghitung langkah ini menggunakan sensor bawaan untuk menghitung langkah Anda. Tidak ada pelacakan GPS, sehingga hampir tidak mengkonsumsi daya baterai.
Tidak Ada Fitur yang terkunci
Semua fitur adalah 100% GRATIS. Anda dapat menggunakan semua fitur tanpa harus membayarnya.
100% Pribadi
Tidak masuk, tidak ada data pribadi.
Ini mudah digunakan menggunakan aplikasi penghitung langkah pelacak berjalan dan menampilkan tidak hanya jumlah langkah berjalan tetapi juga jumlah kalori yang terbakar, waktu yang dihabiskan berjalan dan jarak yang ditempuh. arloji langkah atau arloji arloji. Penghitung kalori.
Yang harus Anda lakukan adalah menekan tombol putar dan mulai berjalan! aplikasi ini menunjukkan jarak tempuh pelacak untuk berjalan, meter berjalan, pelacak langkah, penghitung kalori
Di gym, di treadmill rumah Anda, atau di luar di taman, waspadai data berjalan Anda kapan saja dan di mana saja. Ayo mulai berjalan !!!
Mulai, Jeda, dan Setel Ulang
Anda dapat menjeda dan mulai menghitung langkah kapan saja untuk menghemat daya. Aplikasi ini akan menghentikan statistik penyegaran latar belakang setelah Anda menjeda. Dan Anda dapat mengatur ulang jumlah langkah hari ini dan menghitung langkah dari 0 jika Anda mau. Penghitung kalori.
"Pedometer" mencatat jumlah langkah yang telah Anda jalani dan menampilkannya lagi bersama dengan jumlah kalori yang telah Anda bakar, jarak, waktu berjalan dan kecepatan per jam. Aplikasi penghitung kalori.
Mudah digunakan. Setelah Anda menekan tombol Start, yang harus Anda lakukan adalah memegang ponsel cerdas Anda seperti yang selalu Anda lakukan dan berjalan
Tentu saja, itu akan terus merekam langkah Anda secara otomatis bahkan jika Anda memasukkannya ke dalam saku atau tas. Anda dapat melihat grafik dengan jumlah langkah yang telah Anda lalui dan semua informasi lainnya kapan saja. Mari kita nikmati berjalan dengan aplikasi ini!
Pedometer gratis terbaik untuk melacak langkah harian Anda, langkah menghitung berjalan, menghitung jarak berjalan Anda dari pelacak langkah kami - Aplikasi pedometer, penghitung langkah & walker tracker yang mudah digunakan. Semua informasi ini akan ditampilkan dalam grafik dengan jelas.
Fitur Utama:
- Penghitung langkah harian dan kalori yang terbakar.
- Jarak harian dan penghitung kecepatan rata-rata.
- Total waktu berjalan atau berlari.
- Tampilan tanggal bijaksana semua data historis.
- Anda dapat berbagi data menggunakan aplikasi sosial atau aplikasi berbagi file
Cara Efektif Menggunakan Pelacak Langkah
Sesuaikan sensitivitas penghitung langkah untuk menetapkan rencana kebugaran Anda sendiri berdasarkan kondisi pribadi Anda. Penghitungan langkah tidak tersedia untuk perangkat dengan versi yang lebih lama ketika layarnya terkunci. Itu bukan bug. Kami mohon maaf untuk mengatakan bahwa kami tidak dapat menyelesaikan masalah ini.
Terhubung ke Facebook dan beri peringkat dengan teman-teman Anda di sini. Buat kompetisi persahabatan untuk saling memotivasi.
Mulai, Jeda, dan hentikan penghitungan langkah dengan lebih mudah sesuai keinginan. Periksa waktu pengaktifan Anda dan akses ke sejumlah langkah yang fleksibel.
Mulailah berjalan dengan penghitungan langkah dan pelacakan aktivitas. Mulai Rencana Berjalan Anda untuk pelatihan sekarang. Tingkatkan kebugaran fisik Anda, perkuat denyut jantung dan fungsi paru-paru, tingkatkan kekuatan otot melalui operasi sederhana.
Steps is a simple way to keep track of how much and how far you walk. This pedometer uses the built-in sensor to count your steps. No GPS tracking, so it can greatly save battery. It also tracks your burned calories, walking distance and time, etc. All this information will be clearly displayed in graphs.
Introducing the best walking tracker, step counter app specially designed for weight loss! Calculates calorie counter. Set your own goals, track your exercise and check your progress every day. Count your daily steps and analyze them through calories, distance and time. it is only step counter, walking tracker, step tracker, step watch, pedometer for walking, walking steps tracker, walk meter and calorie counter.
Just tap the start button, and it starts counting your steps. Whether your phone is in your hand, bag, pocket or armband, it can auto-record your steps even your screen is locked.
Save Power
This step counter uses the built-in sensor to count your steps. No GPS tracking, so it barely consumes battery power.
No locked Features
All features are 100% FREE. You can use all features without having to pay for them.
100% Private
No sign-in, no private data.
This is easy to use Step Counter walking tracker app records and displays not only the number of steps walked but also the number of calories burned, time spent walking and distance covered. step watch or pedometer watch. Calorie counter.
All you have to do is push the play button and start walking! this app shows mileage tracker for walking, walk meter, step tracker, calorie counter
In the gym, on your home treadmill, or outside in the park, be conscious of your walking data anytime and anywhere. Let’s start walking!!!
Start, Pause and Reset
You can pause and start step counting at any time to save power. The app will stop background-refreshing statistics once you pause it. And you can reset today’s step count and count step from 0 if you want to. Calorie counter.
"Pedometer" records the number of steps you have walked and displays them again along with the number of calories that you have burned, distance, walking time and speed per hour. Calorie counter app.
It is easy to use. Once you push the Start button, all you have to do is hold your smartphone as you always do and walk
Of course, it will continue to automatically record your steps even if you put it in your pocket or bag. You can view a graph with the number of steps you have walked and all other information anytime. Let's enjoy walking with this app!
Best free pedometer to track your daily steps, walking count steps, calculate your walking distance from our step tracker - An easy-to-use pedometer, step counter & walker tracker app. All this information will be displayed in graphs clearly.
Key Features:
- Daily step counter and calories burnt.
- Daily distance and average speed counter.
- Total time of walking or running.
- Date wise display of all the historical data.
- You can share your data using social apps or file sharing app
How to Effectively Use Step Tracker
Adjust step counter sensitivity to set your own fitness plan base on your personal condition. Step counting is not available for devices with older versions when their screen is locked. It's not a bug. We are sorry to say that we are not able to solve this problem.
Connect to Facebook and rank with your friends here. Establish friendly competitions to motivate each other.
Start, Pause and stop step counting more easily as you wish. Check your activate time and access to the number of steps flexible.
Start walking with step counting and activity tracking. Start your Walking for training plan now. Improve your physical fitness, strengthen heart rate and lung function, improve muscle strength through simple operations.